Testimonials and References
What my clients say
Dear Sheila, today (New Year’s Eve) I gave thanks to many people. But more than anything, I am grateful to you, because it is thanks to your support, your words and your patience that I found my way in life again. I am so grateful for all the positive changes and things that happened in the last months, since I know you.
Berlin, 31.12.2015, Franziska Schlegel
Working with Sheila has helped me a lot to gain more clarity in my professional and private life. Solely by being present, she has the ability to bring forward your emotions and get them flowing again. The tools that she uses corresponding to every situation enabled me to come back to the ‘here and now’. What is special about Shiela is that in the safe space that she creates, everything is allowed to just be and that without judgment or limitations. No matter if I attended Shiela’s sessions for long-term counseling or for short-term problem-solving, her skills and techniques have always helped me to find the way to my truth.
Kristine Nrceaj
The Awakening Coaching with Shiela has helped me to become aware of my own and from-others-acquired programming and behavioral patterns and eventually to let go of them and create space for more beneficial behaviors. Through this process of becoming more conscious, emotional blockages that were also physically affecting me began to loosen. This helped me reclaim my vital energy and use it to make the necessary changes for myself and for my environment. Now free of judgments towards myself, I am continuing to learn how to embrace my weaknesses and how to acknowledge my strengths. By learning to take more responsibility for both the positive and negative things happening in my life, I became more active and courageous and I changed the way of dealing with a situation from a “What am I expecting out of this situation? “ mentality to a “How can I contribute to this situation?” mentality.
Angela Höppner
Sheila works with Heart and Presence. She has the gift of being fully present with the other person and to sense and unveil the subconscious processes that take place in a person. Her work with personality and change processes is priceless. She has counseled and helped me for a long time to let go of old patterns, to come into my power and to be with myself. I trust her completely and I am very grateful to have found such a great support in her.
Astrid Ackermann
Working with Sheila has helped me through one of the most difficult phases of my life, when I felt extremely stuck on many fronts and couldn’t move forward with my life. The ‘From victim to creator’ workshop has helped me shift my approach to life and transform the resistance I felt towards the way my life was going into a more positive thinking and an embracing of the present moment. This had a huge effect on my life and my outlook, and in a short period of time, a lot of opportunities arose that brought me back on track. But Sheila has brought me the most through our coaching sessions where she continues to teach me how to let go of the old patterns of self-judgment and shame and how to be present and caring with myself. More than a therapist, Sheila is like family to me and I am very grateful to have her in my life.
Diana Stanica
Alexander Kröker | Founder and Head oft he Yogaraum Berlin | www.yogaraumberlin.de |
Katinka Priegnitz | Grindberg Coach | www.koerperraumberlin.de |
Michaela Ruhfus | Artist | www.ruhfuskunst.de |
Gottfried Sieber | Masseur | www.massagegott.de |
Nina Siegling | Alternative practitioner | www.akupunktur-berlin-friedrichshain.de |
Elif Demir | Dancer | www.elifdemir.de |
Katharina Rohde | Project artist | www.katharina-rohde.com |
Friederike v. Plato | Communication coach | www.f-v-plato.de |
Angela Gohl | Alternative practitioner | www.heilkunst-gohl.com |
Damien Wynne | Light worker | www.light-grids.com |
Sanaz R. Pourrahim | Yoga as process suport | www.imwandelsein.de |
Miriam Engel | Fashion designer | www.mpunktengel.de |
Astrid Schütte | Trainer for non-violent communication | www.herzohrraum.de |
Gitta Wick | Yoga teacher | www.powerhouseberlin.com/PHB/Gitta_Wick.html |
Anya Hübschle | Fire art at its best | www.inlovewithfire.de |
Ariane Becker | Musician | www.musicadimundi.de |
Silke Breithaupt | Healing & Transformation | www.spiritlab.biz |
Elke Baumgärtel | Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy | www.beruehrungen-der-seele.de |
Anne Rauch | Laugh yoga teacher | www.lachen-befreit.de |
Angelika Seiterle | Alternative practitioner | www.heilpraxis-seiterle.de |
Mirjam Wolf | Architect | www.kawoka.de |
Viola Feick | Alternative practitioner | www.homoeopathie-praxis-feick.de |
Monika Hantke | Kundalini-Yoga teacher | www.dancingfeather.de |
Kristine Nrecaj | Artist | www.nrecaj.de |
François Wiesmann | Creative Communication | www.kreacom.org |
Astrid Ackermann | Yoga teacher | www.astridyoga.de |
Cara Wuchold | Journalist | www.carawuchold.wordpress.com/ |
Bea Madach | Film director | www.passionfruit-films.de |
Devi Althaus | Coching & Supervision | |
Birthe Templin | Photograph | |
Constanze Sax | Feldenkreist Coach | www.constanze-sax.de |
Christiane Mette | Language coach, Singer | |
Thomas Brian | Authentic communication | www.thomasbrian.com |
Cosmia Grohmann | Journalist | www.cosimagrohmann.de |
Karoline Korthase | Journalist | |
Julia Zeman | Therapy puppetry | www.therapiepuppen.org |
Christian Triebel | Perspective and Project Development | www.jointhecaravan.de |
Natalie Baldys | Laya Ayurveda | www.laya-ayurveda.de |
Izabella Brzozowska | Consciousness trainer | www.transparent-heart.com |
Markus Junge | Practicefor Kinesiologie | www.lebendige-lösungen.de |
Jessica Heiler | Life in Unity | www.jessica-heiler.com |
Caroline Wolff | Tujala, Yoga & Shiatsu | www.tujala.com |