About myself
Christine Sheila Deutinger
- Mother of two adult children
- I have trainings and experience in different areas of work
- Self-employed event manager, business manager, coach for personal development and business
- Registered as Gründercoach as part of the “Gründercoachings Deutschland” scheme
- Life Motto: There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way!
Some qualifications and projects:
- Reiki teacher and practitioner since 1996
- Psychotherapy qualification Paracelsusschule Berlin 1997
- Advance training in business management, 2002
- Training in Transparent Communication with Thomas Hübl, 2004-2009 (Assistant qualification)
- Qualification as Systemic Coach, Integrale Akademie Frankfurt 2010
- Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, 2010
- EMDR Therapeutin, private Akademie für psychologische Bildung, März 2013
- Healing Code Workshop, July 2013
- EMDR Advanced, private Academy for psychological Formation, Sept 2014
- Access The Bars ®, Oktober 2017
A selection of projects:
- Celebrate Life Festival – Co-initiator and organizer 2004-2009
www.celebrate-life.info - Healing Events – Co-initiator and organizer 2007–2010
www.globalawareness.info - Infinite Earth –board member and active participator
www.infinite-earth.de - Kaokoland e.V. – my favorite project
www.kaokoland.de - Landschaftspflegehof e. V. Berlin – garden activist
Ecological gardening
I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my companions, teachers, supporters, friends and loved ones, but most of all to:
- my greatest teachers, my children Rebekka und Joshua, who I love more than anything;
- my spiritual teachers: Paul Lowe and Thomas Hübl;
- my coaching teacher, Rolf Lutterbeck;
Special thanks to my patient Webmaster Michael Anderau and to my graphic designer Eugénie Hadinoto.
I also wish to express my gratitude to Life, which I experience as a day-to day blessing and challenge.
The Noble New
Sing songs that none have sung,
Think thoughts that ne'er in brain have rung,
Walk in paths that none have trod,
Weep tears as none have shed for God,
Give peace to all to whom none other gave,
Claim him your own who’s everywhere disclaimed.
Love all with love that none have felt, and brave
The battle of life with strength unchained.